Friday, 11 November 2011

Website template

  • Images - on my template i have included images of the artist herself, her album and maybe a poster for her tour dates. This is a convention as it helps create an iconography for the artist as the style of image will be consistent across all media types. This was found when I was compiling research on real artists and their media. 
  • Hyperlinks - on my template hyperlinks to social websites, stores, the production company and the different pages on the menu bar, I found this conventional when carrying out artist research to find what is typically included into the website.
  • Colours - the colours I will use will be consistent across all media types to help create an iconography for the artist, which is what I found real life artist have done to create their iconography
  • Font - the font I will be easily readable and consistent through out creating an iconography for my artist this is what I found real life artist have done to create their iconography
  • Logo - I have included the logo of my artist at the top of the page to make the logo more rememberable as it is the first thing they will see when on the webpage.
  • Title Banner - the title banner is a convention for all most websites as it will help create the feel for the website and therefore to follow this convention I have placed my banner at the top.
  • Menu bar - I have included a menu navigation bar so the user can clearly see where he/she can go when on the website. This was a convention when I carried out research into how real artist create iconography through their website.
  • Interactive feature - I have included an interactive feature as it engages the audience and gives them control over the website. I found this was a convention when researching other websites

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